2600 (Earth-TRN767) VS A. G. Bell (Earth-616)
2600 (Earth-TRN767)
2600 was a member of he Hotwire Martyrs, a gang operating on the outskirts of the Transverse City. One day they decided to board a D/Monix transport truck with the intent of stealing power cells, and Zero Cochrane jacked his mind into the security system. When the others discovered the truck was carrying an android and not power cells, Zero noticed a self destruct activate in cyberspace. He warned his friends but was too late and everyone on board was killed in a violent explosion. Search this site for: 2600 (Earth-TRN767)
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A. G. Bell (Earth-616)
The Phone Ranger was a would-be hero. A.G. Bell was a telephone repairman who was sent to fix a phone that, unknown to anyone, was actually acting as a prison for a small race of aliens known as the Seltas. The Seltas had left the day before, accidentally freed when the phone was broken but Bell found the Selta's technology in the phone. Replicating it in his home, Bell found it could be used to tap into any communications technology. He decided to use it to fight crime as a superhero: the Phone Ranger. However, in one of his first adventures, he was a victim of the Scourge of the Underworld. [3] Miraculously, that headgear deflected the bullet and saved his life. During the Civil War, he was arrested by Iron Man, Spider-Man and the NYPD, alongside Lectronn, Lightbright and Wildstreak.[4] After Captain America surrendered, he accepted the offered super-hero amnesty.