01100010 01110010 01110101 01110100 01100101 (Earth-616) VS A'Lars (Earth-9997)
01100010 01110010 01110101 01110100 01100101 (Earth-616)
01100010 01110010 01110101 01110100 01100101 was a very old military mech who was still running on binary processors. 01100010 01110010 01110101 01110100 01100101" translated from binary spells "brute," the machine's current alias.
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A'Lars (Earth-9997)
The past history of A'Lars of Earth-9997 mirrors that of his Earth-616 counterpart with some minor differences. For example, it has been suggested by the visions of Kyle Richmond that when A'Lars first came to Titan, it was abandoned as opposed to being ravaged by civil war.[1] Further, his soon-to-be bride Sui-San was revealed by Mar-Vell to be a Skrull. It is unknown if Mentor was aware of this. Search this site for: Mentor ยท A'Lars (Earth-9997).
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