Which is easier to write? Vertical writing or horizontal writing
Vertical writing
Vertical writing characters mainly found in novels, documents, and Japanese textbooks. There is a reason why it fits beautifully and the range of expressiveness expands, because Japanese composed of kanji, hiragana, and katakana has been written vertically for a long time, and it is written vertically because it is familiar to read It seems that readers can express their feelings. If you are not accustomed to writing, it may be difficult to balance and it may rattle as you go down. Also, when writing English letters and numbers, I sometimes wonder how to write them.
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Horizontal writing
Stable horizontal writing can be found in various textbooks, picture books, electronic devices, etc. In modern times, horizontal writing has become the mainstream, and it is a writing style that children are familiar with. Not only Japanese, but also English, numbers, and other foreign languages can be written without worrying about how to write, and horizontal writing is relatively easy to balance, and you can write characters straight to some extent without lines. Can be said to be the greatest merit.