Should we take White supremacy seriously?

Subtle Upholding of White Privilege
Carlson, the most watched host on Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, spent all week hosting his show from Budapest and promoting Hungary as a model for America’s future. His target audience was the Trump base that turned a blind eye to his four-year war on institutions that culminated in a deadly insurrection at the US Capitol. Just as the US left has often pointed to Scandinavia as an example of social democracy delivering public benefits such as healthcare, it seems the far right now has its own lodestar in Europe – a democracy weakening incrementally but inexorably like a slow-boiling frog. What should we be afraid more a slow and subtle shift to illiberalism towards white supremacy or the slow but steady shift of power to what was once was a country ruled by the whites.
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White Supremacy
The insidious nature of white supremacy allows it to shapeshift often, which is part of the reason why it’s so difficult to eradicate. There are some common myths that demonstrate the public’s lack of understanding when it comes to white supremacy and how it permeates every facet of society. It is often characterized by skin heads and white tablecloth tunics and with southern accents when we talk about it in the United States. And although there is some truth to that the 2020 census has shown how the so called white population is decreasing. by 2060 it is said to become minority or second majority. We are not taking into account the psyche of the white population that is and will keep loosing its white privilege. It is important to consider the possible and probable backlash of normal non racist white American feeling resented and wanting to make significant changes to keep their privilege.