The best pet Dog vs Cat

Why Dogs are the Best 1. They'll greet you like you've been gone a century when you only went out for a five-minute trip to the shop. 2. They keep your bed warm for you when it gets cold at night. 3. Dogs will watch TV with you without hogging the remote. 4. Dogs find the greatest joy in even the simplest of things, like a ride in the car. 5. Dogs are the best because, unlike people (and most cats), they love you unconditionally. 6. They know how to take awesome selfies. 7. Dogs will inspire you to stop and sniff the flowers. 8. They make a tough day at the office so much better. National Public Radio (NPR) reported that, according to a study published in the "International Journal of Workplace Health Management," bringing your dog to work can actually help relieve stress. 9. And, according to the American Heart Association, owning a dog may even protect you from heart disease. 10. Dogs make the best workout partners. They'll motivate you to get up and get moving but won't make you feel guilty when you just want to crash on the couch.
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Why Cats are the best 1. Cats Tend to Be Clean Animals, Cats spend much of their time grooming themselves, so you will rarely have to bathe your feline friend. 2. Cats Are Quiet, Even the loudest, most insistent meows are much quieter than most barks. 3. Cats Are Low-Maintenance, Kitties are much more self-sufficient than other pets, particularly dogs. 4. Cats Don’t Need to Be Taken Outside in the middle of the night to do their business 5. Cats Are Super Easy to Potty Train, Most kittens already know how to use the litter box as soon as you bring them home. 6. Cats Protect Your Home From Pests, The mere presence of a cat is usually enough to keep mice and rats away. 7. Cats Cost Less Than Dogs, The initial adoption fee for cats and kittens is often less than that of dogs. 8. Cats Can Be Left Alone Longer Than Dogs, Because cats don’t need to be taken outside to use the restroom, they can be left home alone all day 9. Cats Are Ideal Apartment Pets, If you live in an apartment, you are more likely to be allowed to have a cat than a dog. 10. Cats Are Excellent Companions, Cats like to be where their favorite humans are but are often less needy than their canine counterparts.