The Most delicious Dishes Around The World

Ice cream, global
The global ice cream market was worth 57 billion U.S. dollars in 2017 and is expected to grow to nearly 75 billion by 2024. This represents an over 30 percent increase in market size over the period.
Statistics for this Xoptio
Juicy Food Of All Time 100
% Noxious Food
Delicate Dishes 50
% Unhyginic Food

Chicken parm, Australia
The chicken parmigiana is a pub staple across Australia, where thousands are served up every day at bistros across the country. Like the flat white, the chicken parmy, served up with chips and salad, is an Australian icon.
Statistics for this Xoptio
Juicy Food Of All Time 100
% Noxious Food
Delicate Dishes 50
% Unhyginic Food