Dixit is a French card game created by Jean-Louis Roubira, illustrated by Marie Cardouat, and published by Libellud. Using a deck of cards illustrated with dreamlike images, players select cards that match a title suggested by the "storyteller", and attempt to guess which card the "storyteller" selected. The game was introduced in 2008. Dixit won the 2010 Spiel des Jahres award. Each player starts the game with six random cards. Players then take turns being the storyteller. The player whose turn it is to be storyteller looks at the six images in his or her hand. From one of these, he or she makes up a sentence or phrase that might describe it and says it out loud (without showing the card to the other players). Each other player then selects from among their own six cards the one that best matches the sentence given by the storyteller. Then, each player gives their selected card to the storyteller, without showing it to the others. The storyteller shuffles his or her chosen card with the cards received from the other players, and all cards are then dealt face up. The players (except for the storyteller) then secretly guess which picture was the storyteller's, using numbered voting chips.
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Dominion is a deck-building card game created by Donald X. Vaccarino and published by Rio Grande Games. Each player uses a separate deck of cards and draw their hands from their own decks, not those of others. Players use the cards in their hands to either perform actions or buy select cards from a common pool of card stacks. The player with the most victory points at the end wins. The game has an overall medieval theme, with card names that reference pre-industrial, monarchical, and feudal social structures. Regarding the feel of the game, parallels are often drawn with collectible card games such as the popular Magic: The Gathering. Vaccarino, however, denies that Magic was the inspiration. Unlike that game, players of Dominion build their decks ad hoc as the game proceeds, rather than coming to the table with a pre-made deck. Dominion was the first game of its kind, but has spawned a whole genre of similar card-based games dubbed "deck-building games" (and retroactively applied as a descriptor to this game). When the game was publicly released at Spiel 2008 in Essen, Germany, in multiple languages, it was voted "best game of the fair" by the Fairplay polls. The next year, in 2009, it won the prestigious Spiel des Jahres and Deutscher Spiele Preis awards. It was one of five winning games in American Mensa's 2009 MindGame competition. The success of the game has led to a plethora of expansions. By 2016, more than 2.5 million copies of Dominion and its many expansions had been sold worldwide. As of March 2020, expansions were still being published, thus also contributing to its Magic-like feel, since Magic also regularly releases expansion sets. Unlike Magic, Dominion is not a trading card game; each player starts with the same card pool, instead of their own decks with cards they own.