"Most powerful Cosmic Marvel Characters CAPTAIN MARVEL vs MAR-VELL"

The current Captain Marvel is equally powerful. Thanks to the now-iconic relaunch of the character by Kelly Sue DeConnick and of course the hugely successful movie, Carol Danvers is at the forefront of everyone's minds when it comes to Marvel. She's also at the head of the pack when it comes to power. Captain Marvel possesses just about all of Mar-Vell's ridiculously long list of abilities including some - presumably - she's yet to truly indulge in, including time travel and teleportation.
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The original Mar-Vell is a Kree warrior whose legacy lives on in multiple powerful characters in the Marvel universe. Though he died in one of the most unexpected (and permanent, wow) ways, he also remains one of the most powerful characters to ever grace the pages of a comic book. Among his myriad abilities were cosmic awareness (and he didn't take anything to get it), energy absorption, and energy manipulation, Sadly, he wasn't immortal, like some other characters on this list.