"Most powerful Cosmic Marvel Characters ADAM WARLOCK vs COSMIC GHOST RIDER"

Adam Warlock is more or less a god. And that was before he got a hold of the Soul Gem. Or Stone. It's complicated. Among his near-infinite array of powers is the pretty standard complement of superhuman strength, agility, and stamina, as well as common features like flight. But then things start to get truly insane. Adam Warlock has something called soul immunity, which protects him (and his soul, the important part) from any magic-based attack. And he's immortal. And he can manipulate matter. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
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The Cosmic Ghost Rider is an unlikely but intriguing mash-up of the Punisher, Ghost Rider, and unbridled cosmic power. And it doesn't end there - his origin involves Mephisto, Thanos, and ultimately Galactus. Cosmic Ghost Rider becomes the herald of Galactus and assumes a tremendous amount of power. He retains the combat skill and marksmanship of Frank Castle, the fire breath of Ghost Rider, and he gains immortality among many other things. His combined talents and powers make him one of the most powerful characters around.