"Aireo (Earth-616)" VS "Ajak (Earth-616)"
Aireo (Earth-616)
Aireo, a member of the offshoot of humanity known as the Inhumans, underwent exposure to the Inhuman Terrigen Mists soon after birth, giving him his superhuman powers. Initially, these consisted only of the ability to fly, but over the years his powers increased. As an adult, Aireo's flight powers enabled him to take on the prestigious job of perimeter patrolman for Attilan. However, he betrayed those who trusted him and joined the rebel Maximus in the coup and civil war that gave Maximus control of Attilan. After Maximus was defeated, Aireo joined him in exile, supporting Maximus during one of his further attempts to disrupt Black Bolt's rule.[2] Since Maximus's last defeat, Aireo nursed his hatred for the current royal family and avoided any further contact with his fellow Inhumans.
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Ajak (Earth-616)
Ajak was a member of the subgroup of Eternals known as the Polar Eternals. He was born in the area of Polaria, Siberia. His parents were Rakar and Amaa, and he had a brother named Arex.In the 13th century BC, he fought in the Trojan War, and was mistaken for Ajax. Ajak fought Warlord Kro's Deviant forces in Babylon 2500 years ago. He also had a strong presence in Central America, where the Aztecs believed him to be Quetzalcoatl and the Incas worshiped him as Tecumotzin, Lord of Flight. Ajak once met the Norse god Thor, and fought alongside him against Dromedan. During the Third Host of the Celestials, Ajak acted as a liaison between the Celestials and Earth and was present in Peru when they arrived. With Zuras, he arranged the flight plan the Celestials used to leave Earth. Then he put himself into storage as atoms within the City of the Space Gods, to await their eventual return.