Best Art Of All Time

Cubo-Futurism (also called Russian Futurism or Kubo-Futurizm) was an art movement that arose in early 20th century Russia, defined by its amalgamation of the artistic elements found in Italian Futurism and French Analytical Cubism. Cubo-Futurism was the main school of painting and sculpture practiced by the Russian Futurists.
Statistics for this Xoptio
It is extraordinary art 50
% It is poor art
It’s phenomenal Art 50
% It is inferior art

Rayonism (or Rayism or Rayonnism) is a style of abstract art that developed in Russia in 1910-1914. Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova developed rayonism after hearing a series of lectures about Futurism by Marinetti in his Moscow lecture tour. The Futurists - begun in Italy in 1909 - took speed, technology and modernity as their inspiration, depicting the dynamic character of early 20th century life.
Statistics for this Xoptio
It is extraordinary art 50
% It is poor art
It’s phenomenal Art 100
% It is inferior art