Japanese Anime One Piece characters: "Francois" VS "Franky (aka Cutty Flam)"
Francois[2] is a former prisoner of Impel Down and resident of Newkama Land in Level 5.5. Francois is a muscular man with fair skin, a very wide neck, a sharp nose, predominant brows, and large veins in his forehead. He has long black hair with sideburns and a high hairline, red lipstick, sunglasses with purple lenses, and a red flower in his hair. He wears a purple shirt with blue polka dots and a pink drawing in front, a black thong, and leggings. He also has a dragon tattoo on his arm with a scar next to it.[1] When he removes his shirt, he wears a seashell bra.[3] He wears a sword holster on his right hip. Francois is a high-spirited, kind person. He was happy to be partying with the other okamas and showed sympathy by offering a drink to Bentham when he woke up.[1] He cares deeply for his friends and was very upset when Bentham sacrificed himself for the rest of the convicts' sake. Like many other newkama, Francois admires his queen, Emporio Ivankov. He was impressed by Ivankov's Death Wink. Francois was quite kind and welcoming to Bentham, treating him as a comrade very soon after meeting him.[1] He was distraught when Bentham sacrificed himself and bawled profusely as he and the rest of the escaped Impel Down convicts passed through the Gates of Justice.[4] He continued to cry on their way to Marineford, referring to Bentham as "Bon-chan.
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Franky (aka Cutty Flam)
"Iron Man" Franky[16][4] is the shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is the eighth member of the crew and the seventh to join, doing so at the end of the Post-Enies Lobby Arc.[17] Born "Cutty Flam",[18] he chose to go by his nickname of "Franky" until eventually permanently discarding his true name per the request of Iceburg to hide his identity.[19] He was originally from South Blue[20], but was abandoned by his family as a four-year-old child, eventually making his way to Water 7. There he became a member of Tom's Workers, until an incident resulted in his body being heavily damaged and requiring him to augment himself into a cyborg. Upon returning to Water 7, he became the leader of the Franky Family, a group of ship dismantlers.[2]. Franky and his followers were originally enemies of the Straw Hats at the beginning of the Water 7 Arc, until circumstances forced them to become allies at the end of the same arc and the Enies Lobby Arc. Franky's dream is to create a ship and circumnavigate the world with it, and he built the Thousand Sunny and joined the Straw Hat Pirates to fulfill his dream.