"Ahho Zurako" VS "Ahiru"

Ahho Zurako
Zurako is a girl with a rather ugly face, reddish-brown hair with a yellow bow, and a light blue dress with white bows. As a noble raised by a corrupted and spoiled parent, Zurako considers all people who are not nobles trash. She states that being burnt is their fault for not being born nobles. Zurako had an amiable relationship with her father, Desunen. She full-heartedly agreed with him when he stated that the people who lived in the trash dumps of Gray Terminal deserve to die for not being born nobles. Zurako was seen on the night Gray Terminal was burned. Her father told her that the people who are being incinerated deserved it because they were not born into nobility and she completely agreed with him.
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Ahiru is the Deputy Commander (副隊長 Fuku taichō?, VIZ Media: Vice Captain) of the East Army in the Revolutionary Army and the assistant of Belo Betty. Ahiru is a woman with tanned skin, prominent lips and long brown hair. Her left arm is a mechanical prosthesis with light and dark green coloring. She wears a black shirt, a red tie and a green jacket. She also has a pair of goggles on her head. As a member of the Revolutionary Army, Ahiru has no qualms with challenging the World Government, especially with her status as an officer. As such, she is a brave woman as she has made enemies with one of the most powerful forces in the world.