"Daigin" VS "Daikoku"

Daigin has a spiky black beard and sideburns, as well as a scruffy mustache. He wears a Marine hat with flaps on both sides of his head and a piece of armor covering the back. He wears a black double breasted suit with a yellow shirt and a red tie.Like most marines, Daigin fights for absolute justice. He seemed really annoyed when Sadi ordered him to retreat from Impel Down stating they did not need the Marines' help.He was first seen standing outside the gates of Impel Down, with Marines. They wanted to catch Monkey D. Luffy, but the they were ordered by Sadi-chan to leave Impel Down. He is later attacked by Crocodile, Mr. 1, Jinbe and Buggy. They use his ship to reach Marineford.His name means "Great Silver" in Japanese. He is shown with a sword on his side. It is unknown how skilled he is with it.
Statistics for this Xoptio

Daikoku is a large man with a massive mane of light red hair that stretches down his back and chest. He wears a dark navy blue kimono, two large purple shoulder pauldrons, and a purple headpiece on his head that has horns resembling those of a bull.Like the other members of the Orochi Oniwabanshu, Daikoku is loyal to the shogun Orochi to a fault, as he refused to take action against the shogun even when he was threatening his own allies in a mad rampage since he believes Orochi can do whatever he wants. He was also very intent on capturing the intruder Nico Robin upon finding her. He can be shaken by things he does not understand, as shown when he witnessed Robin's and Brook's Devil Fruit abilities.As a member of the Orochi Oniwabanshu, Daikoku is an extremely skilled ninja, being capable of stealthily sneaking up on Robin unnoticed along with the rest of the Oniwabanshu,[1] as well as sneaking through a crowded banquet hall without drawing attention. He is acrobatic enough, as he was seen crawling on the ceiling when he spotted Robin in the banquet hall.[6] He also appears to possess some degree of durability as he quickly recovered from a Gigantesco Mano attack. Daikoku has some authority in the Oniwabanshu as he ordered Fujin and Raijin to chase after Hiyori.