The best Arabic novel

"Sun Gate"
Bab Al Shams is a Lebanese novel by the Lebanese writer Elias Khoury, chosen as one of the 100 best Arabic novels. Submit the book In Bab Al Shams, Elias Khoury goes on to narrate the march of rain, death, and mud, displacement, camps, and people dreaming of life ... dreaming about the homeland, but Nahila says there will be no nation before we all die ... and now Nahaila died, that patient died, and Shams died, three personalities surrounded by her dimensions Philosophical humanity is staring at events, wrapping them in eloquent silence, whose meanings were only translated by tears of rain and tears.
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"Forgetfulness game"
The Game of Forgetting is a novel by Muhammad Barada, published in 1987 by Dar Al-Aman, and it is considered one of the most important works of the writer Barada. It is ranked 46th in the list of the Top 100 Arab Novels, in which the novelist used a polyphonic novel technique.