Who is the best Arab actress Ayten Amer vs Mais Hamdan

Ayten Amer
Ayten Amer (Arabic: أيتن عامر) (born Samar Ahmed Abd El Ghaffar Amer, 22 November 1990, Alexandria, Egypt) is an Egyptian actress.
Statistics for this Xoptio
Good actress 50
% Nothing to say

Mais Hamdan
Mais Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan Selim (Arabic: ميس عبد الجبار حمدان سليم, born October 31, 1982), better known as Mais Hamdan (Arabic: ميس حمدان), is a Jordanian actress, singer and TV presenter. Her sisters are Mai Selim and Dana Hamdan.
Statistics for this Xoptio
Excellent and elegant actress 50
% Nothing to say