Aan Taanu (Earth-616) VS Abahla (Earth-616)

Aan Taanu (Earth-616)
Aan Taanu was a demon who was once the master of Omen. He was summoned and worshiped by the 'Beyond Reason Spiritual Fellowship' and possessed the dragon Fin Fang Foom. Aan Taanu's plan was to begin a new race of demons with the human woman called Hildreth, but the plan was ruined by Legion of Night. Possess others; transport others to his realm, others not described Search this site for: Aan Taanu · Aan Taanu (Earth-616).
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Abahla (Earth-616)
In a conflict between the mercenary assassin Deadpool and the mutant villain Tolliver (Tyler Dayspring), Deadpool slaughtered everybody in a New Delhi townhouse that had belonged to Tolliver, everybody except Abahla. Deadpool held a sword to Abahla's throat and threatened him while asking for Tolliver's files. Abahla readily handed the files over Deadpool, allowing him to locate the last known address of Vanessa Carlyle (Copycat). Search this site for: Abahla · Abahla (Earth-616).