A'Kurru U'mbaya (Earth-616) VS A'Lars (Earth-906)

A'Kurru U'mbaya (Earth-616)
A'Kurru U'mbaya was a Wakandan bio-chemist who was empowered with the ability to transform his flesh into wood through his experiments. He used his powers to try to seize the throne. Shape-shifting: Icon has the power to transform his flesh into wood-- and his head appears elongated into an African mask. Although this wood seems more durable and impervious than normal wood, he is also able to control it to give him limited shape-shifting abilities, such as elongating his limbs and forming weapons with his hands. Icon can also cause a similar transformation in others-- transforming them into replicas of himself (without the shape-shifting abilities) under his direct control.
Statistics for this Xoptio

A'Lars (Earth-906)
Mentor assisted Elysis and Captain Marvel in the construction of the ship containing the Omni Wave Transmitter on there quest to halt the Kree-Skrull War and was able to hear the ultimatium Mar-Vell sent to both empires. Later when Doctor Strange and Silver Surfer arrived on Titan to find Mar-Vell, Mentor was nursing a sick Eros who had fallen ill to infectious condition caused by saving Mar-Vell's life.